Happy New Year my loves!!!
Blessings on top of blessings, on top of blessings.
Now on to the blog: As women we do a lot for everyone else and often times, honestly most times, we forget about ourselves until our health fails or our mind and our spirit needs tuning. I'm guilty, especially since I have become a mother; it's God, my baby, family, work, everybody else and then me. Acknowledging this opened my eyes to put a little more focus on myself than I had been simply because I can help more being able and alive than I can being sick or deceased.
It's not a crime to value yourself and your well-being. Taking care of myself is reading my Bible and renewing my spirit, working out, eating better and doing an at home facial while watching Law & Order when my daughter goes to sleep. It simple but it helps maintain my sanity and that's what matters.
Please take care of self, guilt-free, before it's too late because your body is your temple and we have to be good to while we can.
I love you & Happy New Year!!