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Nah, I'm Good Love. Enjoy.

"Allow yourself to love again..." Is something that I wrote on my vision board for 2019.

It is something that I have not done since 10.21.2016, and not until recently, was it something that I even desired.

So I met a guy (the beginning of every great story...) and he was attractive, approached me respectfully but there was so many of my standards that he didn't meet. However because I prayed about dating, and let God know that I was opening my heart to love again, I gave him a chance. 1 week into communications, I shut the whole thing down! Simply because he isn't someone that I want my daughter to marry, and that means, he isn't someone that I should be with.

Moving on: I now know where my heart and mind stands regarding moving on. I realize, that his purpose was not necessarily to sweet me off of my feet, nor to be my Forever, but his purpose was to show me that I am able and capable to move forward with someone, and that I should not feel bad about being open to loving someone. He also showed me that dating with a child is COMPLETELY different then dating without a child. (Try getting to know someone with a little person in your face saying "Mama!" motioning you to get them a Rice Krispie Treat!)

As a woman and a mother, I know who I am and what I am worth. I am open to love, but love that gives glory to God and I won't accept anything less. I have standards because I am Queen and if you don't know who you are as a King in Him (God)....Nah, I'm Good Love. Enjoy.

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