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Not Anymore....

So, I love the show Insecure. I never miss an episode and I even watch the behind the scenes talks. On one of the behind the scenes episodes it was said that Issa and Daniel possibly loved each other based upon past versions of themselves and who they used to be. 

I had the biggest light bulb moment ever because I have been so guilty of this. 

 To me, chemistry is extremely important in a relationship and I've been known to sacrifice in other areas because me and a guy have that physical spark. If I just meet a guy then he has to meet certain requirements but guys from my past somewhat get a pas depending on our history. Honestly that shouldn't be the case because most of my ex's didn't work out for a reason.

 I know so many women personally who have sacrificed themselves for men who don't even appreciate the sacrifice and I don't want to be one of those women.

Truthfully Queen, the only reason to entertain an ex who hasn't changed is simply to remind yourself of how far you've come. 

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