Although I desire to get married again, I'm not necessarily seeking God for a husband. When I was married the first time, I was truly seeking God for a husband. I was praying, fasting and sowing for the manifestation of my mate.
Although my marriage didn't work, I understand how to position yourself in order for God to bless you. One of the main things to do is to work in your office and your purpose and be obedient to God alone so that He knows that you will be obedient together. Another way is to sow seeds into the type of ground that you want harvested. For instance when I truly begin to seek God for a husband I am going to sow into couples especially couples in ministry. And not just an couple but seasoned couples with healthy families and who possess wisdom. Â
I try to pray for my husband, I pray for his health, his mind, his finances (Amen), his walk with God, his career and his family. I truly allow God to speak through me as I pray for him because even though we aren't married now, we've been connected spiritually since birth. (I don't want to get too deep, but yeah!) Â
Being single is tough but if you endure your single season correctly you'll be able to enjoy your together season even more.