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One on One

Y'all pray for me. Like seriously. rePray for me!

I have been seeking God and SEEKING God on how to expand QueenMe. Asking God if I should just shut the whole thing down or if I should branch into 'this' and branch into 'that', not wanting to do the same thing as everyone else but wanting be be obedient to God by doing what He said do and by creating what He said to create.

I am in a season where I have a true desire to please God, to walk into purpose and to walk in my purpose. Within the past week of fasting, I have gotten so much clarity and direction to where I am excited about the things that God has placed inside of me. i have my days but I am so overwhelmed by who God is to me, that I have to keep pushing forward.

People don't understand the reason that I continue to talk about my divorce and why I continue to talk about my daughters father. Its because in those situations, I never thought that I would smile again and to now, be in a place where I can look in the mirror without looking away due to feeling dirty or less than because of someone else's infidelities, or to be in such a dark space thinking that God hated me because my daughters father was taken away from us without her ever getting a chance to meet him.

Y'all I can look at somebody now and tell them that God is the definition of strength in a way that I never could 6 or 7 years ago. Like I said, I have my days where I want to mourn him but instead I live because I have to.

Today I felt in my spirit and heard God say that His presence brings Clarity and Conviction and both should bring you closer to Him.

I haven't always been able to worship infront of others freely, now i will take off in a run and come out of my clothes for the Holy Ghost!!! Lol but in that I didn't feel comfortable worshiping infront of others, I would go in the restroom, go to my room, go to my car and close my eyes to connect with Him. Clear my mind and allow Him to hear my heart. It's not difficult, just talke to Him like He's your best friend (as He should be). Play some music, sing a song or whatever you need to do. Gods presence is so crucial in our lives and in todays times, we cant afford to be without it.

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