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What kind of blessings are you blocking?

First of all, let me say that I'm hard-headed. Second of all, let me ask y'all to pray that I shake the spirit of being hard-headed off. Amen. I've said this before, and I'll say it again with complete humility....God has blessed and has gifted me truly to do anything that I put my mind to. 

I have so many gifts that lay dormant within me that go unused simply because I am hard-headed and I let fear stop me. God has given me vision after vision and idea after idea and dream after dream that I will write down and walk away from. I have two books ready to be published and a play ready to be casted and they are just sitting there. Yet I feel some type of way every time that I see a shady tutu because God has gifted me to make gorgeous tulle creations! I can't be mad at the people who stepped to their assignment when I am running from mines. It's bigger be than Tutus and then it's bigger than this blog, it's about serving God and utilizing every single thing that He has poured into me.

What are you sitting on? Or should I ask you, what kind of blessings are you blocking?

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