I never do posts like this but I always try to talk about what's on my heart and about what I know... And I know this. Not saying this to boast or to brag because all of the Glory belongs to God: I am crazy good at interviewing. I get offer's on a really good portion of the interviews that I go on. Recently, I lost my job but to God be the Glory, Within a week I was offered a position with better pay and in a better envioronment. I have to say that these tips won't guarantee you a job but I follow them and come out victorious. So here you go!: 1) Always pray and ask God to guide your mind , thoughts and answer's so that He gets the Glory from the time that you introduce yourself. 2) Know something about the company. Managers and supervisors like to see that you've done your research. You don't have to know everything but know something. 3) Have a legitimate reason for why you want to work for the company. It's always good to look on Glassdoor or Indeed and see what people who work for the company have to say about the company. You can also look at what previous candidate's have to say about their interviewing experience to better prepare yourself. 4) Be confident! Remember that there is back reason that you are interviewing. Know that you are qualified and don't let the person on the other side of the table intimidate you. Breath. Think. &. Boss up! 5) Remember that being 15 minutes early in the business world is equivalent to being on time. Best of luck Queen's!
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