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Writer's pictureQueenMe

How Could I????

Please forgive me....I don't think that I have ever gone three months without blogging but let me say that the postpartum struggle is real. Because I am a mother, I will definitely blog or even vlog my life as a mother without bringing too much exposure to my daughter because I am SUPER protective of her. So for those of you wondering about my delivery, weight loss, mommy hacks and etc., I will soon be embracing that on QueenMe.

To be honest, being a mother has completely changed me and I am so focused on providing the best possible life for my daughter that I have strayed from my purpose but I believe that through my purpose, God will grant me the desires of my heart not only concerning my daughter but concerning myself. Since loosing my daughters father, having my daughter and experiencing different things, I have had to find myself again and love that new me. I always thought that women were over-exaggerating when they said that you completely change when you have a baby, but you do.....I mean that you REALLY DO!

But why have I been gone?......I know that I know better but I continue to allow the enemy to dis value me and my gifts but not anymore. Here lately, I have seen so much about not utilizing the gifts that God has given you and it has greatly convicted me, so I am challenging myself to be more consistent with the gifts that God has given me. I make goals for myself every year and just start slacking...I have books and plays just waiting to be brought to life and y'all this is the year for QueenMe to blast onto the map. I promise this time next year, We'll be in a different place.

Write the vision and make it plain.....I challenge each person reading this to create a vision board or a vision list and truly and diligently work towards the desires that God has put on your heart. Remember, your dreams are not by chance.

& New Blogs Every Saturday at !2:00 CST!

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