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Relationship Goals.....

First off, Shot out to Pap and Remy for the beautiful wedding that premiered on VH1 Love and Hip Hop.

The way that he looks at her....That is love! I would say that this is relationship goals, but I am not trying to go to jail for 6 years to have that moment. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Lol

Second off, Remy’s ring though! 1000's times "Yes!!”

Anyway, I see hundreds, okay maybe dozens of memes daily about “relationship goals this” and “relationship goals” that. Everybody is lusting after a love that took years of tears to achieve. Some people have relationships and they just get each other, they hardly ever argue and they have a peaceful and serene love. He loves her and she loves him! No nonsense, just a simple and beautiful, ride off into the sunset love. Then, there are the other people who argue and fight, yell and scream, to have peaceful and serene moments, just a rough love. A ride or die

If it is something that I have learned over the past few months, it is that every love story is written differently. I look at some couples and I think "Man, I would love to have a love like that!" Only to sit down and hear about all of the affairs, lies, outside babies and fights (physical and emotional) that the couple endured to attain the level of love that I "wanted" .But Child, I don't want it anymore. I want my own special kind of love, a love story perfectly orchestrated by God Himself.

My days of Relationship Goaling are long over.

You may see someone’s destination, but you don’t know the climb that they had to take to get there.

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