So in the state of Texas, you have to wait 61 days from the date that you file, until you can request a court date to officially be divorced. It seems as though the past 61, now 63 days have gone by fairly quickly But let me tell y’all about day 61……I have not seen my soon to be ex-husband in a while. We haven’t had a face to face encounter or a face to face interaction in maybe 4 or 5 months, but on the 61st day, I walk into a prayer breakfast and BOOM there he is. My first reaction was to leave, and I did! But then I thought about it and decided to quickly get it together and not let this minor interruption deter my day. On top of seeing him on the 61st day, the breakfast had our wedding colors as its colors, and then a wedding that I went to that same day played the song that I walked down the aisle too. Needless to say, some tears were shed for a variety of reasons. The entire day, I asked God “Why?”, “Why did you allow me to be in this room, on this day, with this male?” Regardless of why my day went the way it did, through it all God allowed me to function and God gave me peace and reminded me that no matter what happens, I have to trust Him in it all.
Having faith and trust in God through this situation has been incredibly hard because I never know what is going to happen next. Being married was a comfort zone for me, I knew what my marriage was and what was going on behind the scenes because God allowed me to see. In leaving, I had no idea what g would be, it has been so uncomfortable getting use to my new normal but I have faith that even in this situation, God is working it out for my good and for His Glory!
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9